Gaudí School is situated in a working class neighborhood at the outskirts of the city of Sabadell. It is a public, inclusive, secular school. It offers education for 225 pupils aged 3-12. There are nine different forms: three Pre-Primary and six primary (from year 1 to 6). As a teacher team we are committed to give our pupils the best possible education for their future and we encourage them to reach their full potential. We believe that each child is an individual who must be given the widest opportunity to discover and develop their talents. We enrich the curriculum carrying out different projects: Theatre project, Social skills project, Reading skills project and English project. Our students start studying English when they’re five years old. We are developing the project Sharing our languages through English II. We use a communicative methodology approach and once a week, groups are split up in order to improve oral skills. We use CLIL approach (Content Language in Integrated Learning) in the Art sessions from year 3 till year 6.

In the academic year 2010-11 we participated in the inservice courses of the project ETSize in which we developed a collaborative project with other European teachers which has been integrated in our daily syllabus. Due to our participation in this projects, last academic year we were glad to have as visitors a group of Dutch teachers from Jenaplan Basisschool De Zegge in Almelo; it was a worthwhile experience.

Contact person: Montserrat Creus


Written Mention

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein (other languages). 

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