The school is situated in a working-class neighbourhood of Sabadell and it is a two-form entry institution with about 370 students distributed between infant and primary education (3-12 years-old). We are an inclusive school that tries to train autonomous citizens who are able to be critical with the reality of their environment. And we try to do so on the foundations of respect for the democratic principles and within a multilingual and multicultural environment. In fact, in our school 17 different mother tongues are spoken (without including Catalan or Spanish) because our neighborhood has received many people from around the world along the last decade. Diversity is our reality, and it enriches and contributes to educate citizens who are respectful with the difference. We have applied an innovative project on foreign languages which includes starting the English lessons with the 5 year-olds (songs, stories and games) and the English bag (with materials to take home for a week). The school is also promoting the learning of English through CLIL (Content language in Integrated Learning) in Art&Crafts in the 1st cycle and Science in the 2nd and 3rd cycles. The active learning and use of languages has always been one of the main aims of the school.

We have participated in a Comenius school partnership with France and the Czeck Republic, based on cultural topics (language, art and festivities). in the ETsize project, one teacher attended an in-service course in Graz and the final conference.

Contact person: Anabel Borras


Written Mention

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein (other languages). 

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