Our public school is placed in Cerdanyola del Vallès, a town of 58.000 inhabitants in the metropolitan region of Barcelona. The school has 260 pupils, from Pre-primary (3, 4 and 5 year olds) to 6th grade. We are in a neighbourhood where global inmigration has been setting along the last decade, bringing a multicultural social environment to the school. Our students come from around the world: Ecuador, China, Pakistan, Egypt, Argentina, Romania, Morocco..... They arrive with different levels of instruction and sometimes, at any time of the year; this fact needs a particular attention to them. We have a special class adressed to help the newcomers to understand and learn the Catalan language in a very intensive way but also to help in the basic knowledge when needed. The multiculturality brings very positive aspects and enriches the schol life. We deal with the diversity in a positive way, doing projects and working on a collaborative and active learning. The learning of English language starts at the Pre Primary levels (3 years olds). 

We participated in different European projects. In ETSize, some teachers participated in the inservice courses developed in Riga (Latvia) and Graz (Austria), as well as in the final Conference in Bursa (Turkey). We also host the teaching practice of ERASMUS students of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Contact Person: Manuela Moledo


Written Mention

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein (other languages). 

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