We are a public school in a working class neighborhood of Cerdanyola del Vallès (434 pupils and 27 teachers), an example of diversity as our pupils have different social, lingüistic and cultural backgrounds and capacities. Our objectives are to give children the opportunity to grow up respecting the differences and we organise every year, a cultural week with activities around the school subjects as well as performances where all the school community participates; this course the topic was related to Science. Families are an important part of the school community and they participate in many activities along the year (Christmas concert, Cultural week, Carnival, St George’s Day..). The school language is Catalan, although we have a linguistic plan for our diverse pupils; we want that they achieve communicative competences in Catalan and Spanish but also in English, that starts in Pre Primary education (4 years old). We are involved in a National Experimental Project for Foreign Languages on Art and Crafts (levels 5 and 6), to develop the children’s ability to express themselves and to communicate in artistic visual language, providing them with communicative competence. Art and Crafts is a good tool to develope fundamental resources of expression and to acquire communicative competence.

We participated in ETSize project attending an intensive course in Riga and the final conference. Our school is mentoring the school practice of students from the English department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Contact persons: Núria Biosca and Mari Luz Castellano


Written Mention

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein (other languages). 

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