WAVE-IT Interactive Resources (IO1 and IO2)

We are thrilled to share the exciting results of the Project Working Academics Value Excellence for International Teachers (WAVE-IT). WAVE-IT, which falls under the KA203-C0A38BA8 program, is a strategic project within the European Teacher network, accessible at www.european-teachers.eu.

At WAVE-IT, we have fostered a strong relationship with partner institutes and highly motivated teachers from primary and secondary schools who have become valued members of the European Teacher network. Our focus lies in collaborative projects and reflective activities, which play a pivotal role in the learning processes within the network. Acting as the network's coordinator, Saxion, the university of applied education in the Netherlands, has been instrumental in driving our vision forward.

Let's take a closer look at the objectives we aimed to achieve through WAVE-IT:

Development of didactical strategies for entrepreneurial and connective teaching and education.
Development of critical thinking strategies to support reflective practice through collaboration and communication between teachers, learners, and academics.
Implementation of entrepreneurial and reflective competencies and skills in teacher education.
Implementation of the strategies to enhance the education of children with higher increased learning support, including refugees, socially excluded individuals, and those with special learning needs.
We are proud to present the following interactive resources that have been developed as a result of the WAVE-IT project:

Interactive Resource 1 (IO1): This resource comprises practical recommendations and learning interventions aimed at promoting teacher entrepreneurship in primary and secondary schools, as well as in teacher education. It offers a comprehensive set of guidelines to foster an entrepreneurial spirit among educators and students alike.

Interactive Resource 2 (IO2): This adaptive teacher training material is designed to support reflective practice through collaboration and communication between teachers, learners, and academics. It equips teachers with the necessary tools to engage in critical thinking, facilitating a reflective approach to their teaching methods.

We invite you to explore these interactive resources and immerse yourself in the wealth of knowledge they offer. WAVE-IT is committed to promoting excellence in teaching and education, and we believe that these resources will empower educators to create impactful learning experiences for their students.

Thank you for visiting the European Teachers - WaveIT Project webpage. We hope you find our results inspiring and valuable:


Written Mention

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein (other languages). 

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